PGH Activity: Hiking through Pok Fu Lam Reservoir

Dear residents,


PGH Activity: Hiking through Pok Fu Lam Reservoir


PGH is organizing a hiking activity! An around 2-hour trip could take visitors from Pok Fu Lam Reservoir to the stunning mountain-top. Under good weather, visitors could admire views of Lamma Island and Victoria Harbour City View. Details are as follows.



25 May (Sat), 2024



12 (First-come, first-served)



Free of charge (participants need to pay for their public transportation, drinks, etc.)



Bus from Admiralty MTR Station to Pok Fu Lam Reservoir – Pok Fu Lam Reservoir Trail – The Peak



Meet at Admiralty MTR Station at 15:00;

Bus and hiking for around 2.5 hours;

Dismiss at the Peak Galleria around 18:00. (Participants could take bus to Central/have dinner/wait for the sunset on their own after the trip)









Sports shoes, enough drink, light food.



If you are interested in the activity, please register NOW on the Webform here until 15:00, 22 May 2024. Successful registrants will receive a notification email on 23 May 2024.


We look forward to your participation!

Enquiries: 3943 3000 (PGH 1) / /


Best Regards,

PGH General Office